Address the Cause
Not the Symptoms

About Heartburn

Heartburn, or acid reflux, is when the acid from the stomach enters back into your esophagus. Not only does this cause a distinctly uncomfortable burning, but over time it can cause long term damage. Normally, a muscle at the bottom of your esophagus (the Lower Esophageal Sphincter) acts like a door and keeps the stomach acid from bubbling up. However, when the stomach is unhealthy this door may not stay closed, allowing the acid to burn the esophagus. 

Unfortunately, heartburn is so common that many believe it is “normal.” Those suffering from heartburn frequently use antacids, proton pump inhibitors, or H2 antagonists (histamine blockers) to combat the discomfort. Although this may temporarily cover up the symptoms it doesn’t address the cause. By not addressing the underlying cause, other problems much worse than heartburn can occur and affect other parts of the body.


  • Belching excessively after eating
  • Burning in the chest or throat after eating
  • Acidic taste in the mouth
  • Worsening pain when lying down or bending over
  • Chronic dry non-productive cough or a night cough

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore the Cause

Heartburn can come from a number of different causes. Although it may seem counterintuitive, heartburn often stems from low stomach acid production. Stomach acid sterilizes the food we eat and helps break it down. If the food we ingest isn’t sterilized in our stomach, bacteria, fungi, and other parasitic infections can occur. This can ultimately lead to things like SIBO, IBS, Candida Overgrowth, etc. 

With low stomach acid also comes poor digestion. When the food isn’t broken down enough, the body has a hard time absorbing certain nutrients. Some nutrients that may not be absorbed if stomach acid is too low are protein Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, and B12 (2).

When heartburn is a chronic issue, it can be diagnosed as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). If this chronic reflux isn’t controlled, extensive damage can be done to the esophageal lining resulting in something called Barrett’s Esophagus.

Heartburn can also be a sign of poor gallbladder function.


  • Increase stomach acid by taking 1-2 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar or some Betaine HCl tablets before each meal. The production of stomach acid requires specific vitamins and minerals. The end goal would be to include these in your diet or supplement them so apple cider vinegar isn’t needed for every meal.
  • Exercise
  • Address the infection properly by consulting professional care.

There can be many underlying causes of heartburn. This information scratches the surface when it comes to the causes and what can be done. If you would like assistance with helping your body heal, reach out and schedule an appointment or a free phone consultation here.