Dealing with

What is Anxiety:

Your brain and nervous system work are constantly sending and receiving signals. In order for one nerve to send a signal to the next, it releases chemicals called neurotransmitters. Each neurotransmitter has a specific job. For example, serotonin is often linked to mood regulation, dopamine to pleasure and reward, and acetylcholine to muscle movement. Anxiety can be one of the side effects when there is an improper balance between these neurotransmitters.

Anxiety can manifest in several ways such as panic attacks, a constant low level uneasiness, or certain situations like a social encounter. Anxiety can cause someone to avoid certain situations the might otherwise be fun and have a huge impact on how someone goes about their life.

It’s important to understand that everything in our body is connected. Symptoms of anxiety, and other mood disorders, are usually a sign of an imbalance elsewhere. Once you fix the underlying causes the symptoms tend to melt away.


  • Shallow fast breathing
  • Avoidance of social interactions
  • Panic attacks
  • Excessive worry
  • Churning feeling in your stomach
  • Feeling light-headed or dizzy
  • Feeling restless or unable to sit still

The Connections

Feelings of anxiety are difficult to manage while they are happening. Some people use techniques like attention diversion, medication, or breathing exercises. Here are a few recommendations to approach the root cause of anxiety.

Symptoms of anxiety stem from nutrient deficiencies/depletion, gut issues, hormone imbalances, blood sugar imbalances, or stress. To understand why someone has a poor production or regulation of neurotransmitters we have to look at how each body system affects others.

Certain nutrients, such as magnesium, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids, are essential for converting one neurotransmitter into another. Without these nutrients Glutamate (which is excitatory) can build up and not be converted to GABA (which is inhibitory). Too much excitation of the nervous system can lead to feelings of anxiety.

Gut Health:
The gut is home to a vast network of nerves and trillions of bacteria. When the gut microbiome is out of balance large amounts of inflammation can be present. Inflammation, gut infections, and unwanted bacterial byproducts can all play factors in anxiety symptoms. Whatever is happening in the gut is absorbed by the blood and transported throughout the body. Tackling nasty gut bugs or balancing the gut microbiome can actually do wonders for a wide variety of symptoms.

Blood Sugar:
The regulation of blood sugar plays a role in regulating mood, sleep, and the stress response. If a high carbohydrate meal is digested it spikes insulin. When this spiking pattern is consistent it can lead to insulin resistance. If meals are skipped and blood sugar is low, the adrenals release stress hormones to increase blood sugar. With either of these patterns there is an imbalance between the body’s homeostasis mechanisms. By balancing blood sugar levels the other processes in the body can take place.
When there is an imbalance between the adrenals and other hormone producing organs, anxiety, irritability, and fatigue can be common symptoms.

Stress is a major trigger for anxiety. Chronic stress can lead to changes in the brain and body that make it more difficult to cope with anxiety. The presence of anxiety can drive more anxiety. This loop can be very difficult to break.It is extremely important to remove and address any emotional issues that may be causing stress. Our perception and the way we see the world can have a huge impact on how our body acts. Horror movies, although not real, can spike the body’s stress levels through the roof. Perceiving situations as threatening, even when they may not be, causes the same reactions as running from a bear. It’s difficult to control the stress of stubbing your toe on the coffee table or your frustrating boss. Focus on what you can control, such as diet and perception are much easier and yield far better results

If you are already doing some of the things mentioned above but are still struggling or need further guidance, feel free to schedule an appointment or initial consultation below.