How to Approach Any Autoimmune Condition

The immune system is built to fight infections and foreign invaders by reacting to its environment. When the environment changes and becomes foreign, the immune system reacts accordingly.  Autoimmune disease is a blanket term that covers a variety of symptoms. There are currently over 100 autoimmune diseases known and classified. Some of the more commonly known are:

  • Lupus
  • Hashimoto Thyroiditis
  • Graves diseases
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Celiac
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Although these are all classified as different diseases they all have one thing in common- an altered immune system. The typical treatment for any autoimmune condition is medication called immunosuppressants. These medications do just that, suppress the immune system. Logically this does make sense, if the immune system is hurting you just turn it off right?… Although this approach can be helpful when symptoms are out of control and the “fire” needs to be put out, it doesn’t address the underlying problem.

What Changes the Immune System:

There are 4 main factors that change your body’s internal environment and drive autoimmune type reactions:

  1. Chronic Infections
    These are different from the common cold kind of infections. These are low level infections that go on for extended periods of time. If the immune system is “tired” or depleted of supplies, these infections fly under the radar and slowly change the environment. Signs often preceding autoimmunity that stem from infections can be, anxiety, fatigue, digestive problems, hormone imbalances etc.

  2. Toxic Metals
    Toxic metals can be difficult to expel from the body. Everyday items like cosmetics, certain dental fillings (amalgam), and even some deodorants may contain them.  Farm-raised fish can also accumulate heavy metals through their diet. If the body is unable to get rid of these metals they get stored in tissues like bones or fat. Over time, heavy metals can accumulate and have a harmful effect on the entire body. Examples are: Mercury, Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, and Lead. It’s important to give your body the things it needs to bind these toxic metals and prepare for excretion.

  3. Food Sensitivities & Allergies
    Food allergies are typically described as eating a food and having a relatively quick reaction such as hives or anaphylactic shock (closing of the airways). Many people are aware of these allergies and avoid them.
    Food sensitivities are a bit more sneaky. These reactions are often delayed up to several days and can go unnoticed. When a food sensitivity is eaten it causes a low-grade level of inflammation that may simply feel like bloating. By removing these types of food for a while it can allow the immune system time to regroup and focus on other important issues.

  4. Stress
    This can be mental or physical. A common physical stressor that many do not take into account is an imbalance in blood sugar regulation. Mental stress can come from close relationships, annoying coworkers, uncertainty of the future etc. Physical stress is correlated to mental stress because the body releases stress hormones when mental stress is experienced.

Rebalancing the Immune System

  1. Kill Infections
    By ridding the body of infections the immune system can regain its strength. There are many different herbs that can help get rid of chronic infections. Antibiotics are often the choice for Depending on whether that infection is of viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic origin From a medical standpoint, antibiotics are used to reduce bacterial growth. The potential problem with this is that other things like fungus can overgrow as they are now uninhibited by other bacteria. Herbs are beneficial because they are natural antimicrobials that work against both bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. 

  2. Remove Food Sensitivities
    A reduction in common inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, and processed sugar is always a great place to start. If you would like a more in-depth analysis of what food sensitivities you might have, a blood test can be ordered. Feel free to schedule a free consult at the bottom of this page.

  3. Detox Toxic Metals

    There are many nutrients and herbs that can help detox the body of heavy metals. Herbs like dandelion root and milk thistle are great for opening up several detox pathways. Nutrients like Selenium, Niacinamide (B3), and Zinc, are a few examples of important nutrients needed to process toxins. These nutrients are used by several other processes in the body so they can become depleted over time. Replenishing the proper nutrients with a healthy diet and supplementation when necessary is important when it comes to detoxing.

  4. Reduce Stress
    Some mental stressors are out of our control. It’s important to focus on the things that can be controlled while using techniques such as meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature to reduce mental stress.
    Physical stress can come from irregular eating patterns. Sharp increases and drops in blood sugar can cause stress hormones such as cortisol to be released. This puts your body in a low level “fight or flight” mode which is the opposite of “rest and heal”. Making sure you eat three balanced meals every day that are full of whole foods can help tremendously in some situations.

Things to Remember

Health is a journey, not a destination. Be patient, listen to your body, and find the holistic approach that works best for you. By supporting the immune system and the areas that affect it the body can heal. If you are struggling to figure out the root cause of your health issues and need further guidance, feel free to schedule an appointment or initial consultation below.